ShelfShare | Manage and rate your books, dvds, etc. and share them
ShelfShare1. About
ShelfShare is a simple service which let's you manage your collection of books, dvds, etc. and share them with the world.
Simply head over to and use your google account to log in and add items to your shelf.
If you like ShelfShare please rate it on
2. Community
Feel free to head over to the Forum to discuss problems and feature requests.
3. News
2009-09-17 06:42:45: Improved performance, complete new interface to add new books and publish them on facebook
I have just finished a new version of ShelfShare which will significantly improve performance (expect more to come) - for viewing your shelf as well as editing it.
The Edit interface is completely rewritten from scratch (although editing will look the same - but when adding new books you will hopefully experience a change). It is now also even easier to publish the books you are reading, have read or have reviewed to facebook.
Check out this youtube video to see how the new UI to add books and publish them to your facebook wall.Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;)0 Comments -
2009-08-31 23:51:33: First draft of Facebook feed postings
2009-08-31 10:07:34: Fixed adding of new itemsSince amazon has recently modified their API to require signatures to REST calls, it wasn't possible to add new items to your shelf for a short time.
This is now fixed.Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;) -
2009-03-14 10:32:02: RSS Feeds for your shelfThere are now two RSS Feeds:
- Feed of items you add to your shelf
- Feed of all your actions you apply to your shelf (adding tags, adding/removing items, adding reviews, etc.)
More to come... :)Hey, we have Signatures !!! Great, isn't it ? ;) - Feed of items you add to your shelf
4. Features
- Add any Item (Book, DVD, etc.) you own, borrowed or want to read, watch, use which is available on amazon.
- Rate, review and tag all your items on your shelf.
- Export all information using a simple CSV file.
5. Feature Todo List
5.1. short-term
- Change labels for DVDs ('i have read it')
- Make 'Type' a link to the tag. (type-book, type-dvd,..)
5.2. discussed features
- Allow users to add contacts/friends/favorites (by email address?)
- Provide a way to mark a book as 'borrowed by' (from the list of contacts)
5.3. features to be discussed
Feel free to discuss any of these (and more) in the [url=/board/]Forum/url.
- Facebook integration
User profile badges which a user can add to his website
- what should be displayed? number of items? latest items? books which the user is currently readong?
5.4. Implemented Todos (ie. things which are done)
- RSS Feeds for your latest items and latest actions.
Last Modified: 2009-03-14 17:51:22 by Herbert Poul - [ Snip Changes ] [ Wiki History ]
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